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5-channel modular systems for wheelchair ramp and barrier-free accessibility
Made in Germany┋Dimensions: 100x32.5x5.4cm┋Weight: 10.2 kg┋5 Channels
In order to ensure the greatest level of accessibility, the modular Defender 2DM cable protector comprises a MIDI-compatible middle section and a flat ramp, which can be expanded and combined as needed, both in terms of length and width. Plus, it's also extremely easy to handle.
Each middle section can be equipped with a 6° inclined, barrier-free ramp that can be driven over completely without any problems. The flat incline makes it easy for wheelchair users to roll over the protectors with no trouble at all. They're also so stable that even forklifts and trucks can drive over them.
User Manual - Installation Instructions
Features & Benefits:
- Heavy-duty all-round cable protector with 3-D Lasergrip anti-slip surface
- High visibility lid with secure locking mechanism, patented self-cleaning system and lid hinge
- Simple, multidirectional modular structure with unlimited expandability in width and length
- Fully compatible with Defender MIDI cable protectors
- Made of extremely robust and break-proof TPU
- Flame resistant & resistant to oil, acid, petrol and short-term contact with solvents
- Product type: Cable Protector - Straight
- 5 Channels: 34.5 x 38.6 cm each
- Dimensions: 100 x 5.4 x 32.5 cm
- Load bearing capacity: approx. 5 ton per 20 x 20 cm
- Material: Polyurethane (Recyclable)
- Colour: Yellow/Black
- Weight: 10.2 kg
- Hardness: 88 Shore ± 4 A Shore
- Fire protection class: B-s1 (flame resistant)
- Temperature Range: -30°C to 60°C