Whether you’re an experienced rigger just getting started in the industry you should never stop learning. MTN SHOP has chosen your reading list of five books to refresh your skills

  1. Stage Rigging Handbook

By Jay O. Glerum

The Stage Rigging Handbook by Jay O. Glerum has become an industry staple. This go-to guide is to the point and provides an understanding of the rigging system, how to operate each type of rig, also touches on maintaining and inspecting your equipment.

Whether you read it cover-to-cover or keep it on site as a handy reference guide, this book is a must-have for individuals concerned with safe and proper rigging techniques.

  1. Entertainment Rigging for the 21st Century

By Bill Sapsis

Entertainment Rigging for the 21st Century, edited by Bill Sapsis, makes for a great follow-up to the Stage Rigging Handbook. Taking into account the major changes our industry has seen in recent years; this book is great for recognizing the leaps and bounds of our modern trade and the technology and practices that have gotten us to this point. Bill has had a long-standing relationship with the MTN Shop team over the years and has led numerous onsite training sessions at our Global Headquarters in North America

  1. Arena rigging: A practical guide for riggers, designers, and managers

By Harry Donovan

Arena rigging is the first of Donovan’s books to be featured in our list of top five. The book became one of our favorites for its breakdown of everyday work skills and the easiest on-the-job solutions that allow for practical efficiency onsite. Like most rigging instruction it is geometry and engineering intensive, but focuses on real-world, practical applications for those involved with arena, theatre and stage rigging, with applications across a number of other industries.

  1. Entertainment Rigging

By Harry Donovan

Entertainment Rigging, also by Harry Donovan, consists of hundreds of drawings, pictures and load tables. In addition, you will find many useful industry rules of thumb coupled with dozens of quick formulas that make it simple to rig safely safe and successfully on the job. Donovan published this book following Arena Rigging and effectively builds on the information from his first publication. Combine this with RigRight software and you’ll be armed with all the information you need.

  1. Rigging Math Made Simple

By Delbert L. Hall

Rigging Made Made Simple, developed by Delbert L. Hall of East Tennessee State University, is a great resource to those still working on understanding and using everyday rigging calculations. It is an especially great resource for those preparing for ETCP certification and provides helpful hints for remembering the information explained. Though this is more of a textbook and less of a novel, we find it is one of the best books for expanding our understanding of the complex world of entertainment rigging.

MTN Shop Strives to share ensure the advancement of safe jobsite practices from the gear you use to the knowledge you have. Using the resources around us helps advance the industries we are a part of and allows us to further support our rigging community. We hope our suggestions are helpful and would like any feedback you have. If there’s a book that has helped you advance in the industry that we don’t have featured in our Top 5 list, please let us know! We are always eager for a new read!
